Child/Adult Food Program
Child and Adult Food Program (CACFP)
A free program that supports low-income families

The Child and Adult Food Program (CACFP) plays a vital role in improving the quality of day care and making it more affordable for many low-income families. CACFP serves nutritious meals and snacks to eligible participants enrolled for care at participating day care centers and day care homes. The program promotes the development of basic nutritional concepts and provides nutritious, well-balanced meals fostering sound eating habits that enable participants to become caretakers of their own nutritional habits. CACFP also provides meals to children residing in homeless shelters and snacks to youths participating in after-school care programs.
In addition, the CACFP provides annually adjusted cash reimbursement to organizations serving meals and snacks to participants receiving nonresidential day care in licensed or government approved adult day care facilities. Independent centers sponsoring organizations enter into agreements with the CACFP office to assume administrative and financial responsibility for CACFP operations.